2/22/18: We are winning, but need your help for a final push to stop MOC in Florida! Anti-MOC language has been inserted in another bill in the House. We need the same action int he senate. Click the link above and follow the instructions to take action to help stop MOC in Florida. |
Florida doctors have another chance to outlaw mandated MOC in Florida. HB81/SB628 would ban hospitals, insurance companies and the Board of Medicine from requiring MOC to be part of a medical staff, insurance panel or to gain a license in Florida. Learn more details in our recent Special edition MOC Newsletter. Last year, the bill made progress in the House but died in the Senate when the FMA authored and had passed language that deleted the entire bill. Now the FMA has modified its policy to state they will only seek to stop mandated MOC for licensure, (not for hospital privileges or insurance company contracts). FMA leadership was adamant, in public at the FMA annual meeting in August, that the hospitals should be allowed to force MOC on doctors. Meanwhile, the Florida AAPS is already engaged in the battle, responding to the CEO of American Board of Pathology’s ludicrous claims that MOC is required to maintain quality of care in the Tampa Bay Times. Dr. Johnson makes over $500,000 a year on MOC. The letter in response was published the next day from the President of the Florida AAPS, Dr. McKalip. Now is your chance to help. In the Coming weeks, the Florida AAPS will be asking you to visit Senators in your districts to ask them to pass SB623 and to prevent it from any meaningful change in the process. |
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